State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Thursday 23rd May 2024

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 22ndMay 2024 in which a number of legal and policy memoranda were approved.

Cabinet was briefed on proposed regulations for national standards for Child Care Centres in accordance with Sections 15 and 16 of the Early Childhood Development Act.  The regulations will be further refined for future consideration.

Cabinet approved amendments to the Stamp Duty (Exemptions) Order to ensure that its provisions served the intended purpose, and that it was adapted to prevailing market conditions.

Cabinet considered proposals for the refund of excise tax and VAT paid by foreign diplomats, consular personnel and representatives of international organisations for goods and services purchased in Seychelles.

Cabinet approved the proposed licensing framework for postal services in Seychelles, which will be overseen by the Postal Regulator.

Cabinet approved the position to be adopted by Seychelles in the forthcoming negotiations on an economic partnership agreement between the European Union and the Eastern Southern African states.

Cabinet endorsed the proposals for a National Diaspora Engagement Policy for Seychelles.  This was intended to enable Seychellois living abroad to actively contribute to Seychelles’ sustainable economic and social development, both domestically and internationally.  Such engagement would benefit national human resource capacity building, and strengthen bonds with the diaspora.

Cabinet considered proposals to review the current moratorium and 5-room limit on small tourism establishments on La Digue.  The proposal was to gradually raise the room limit to a sustainable level whilst also maintaining high standards of service, as well as spreading accommodation to less crowded areas of the island.

Cabinet was briefed on the status of the programme for Recognition of Prior Learning being administered by the Seychelles Qualifications Authority in close collaboration with relevant educational and training institutions and stakeholders.

Cabinet was presented with the 2022 Report of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI).  Cabinet noted the importance of sustainable marine fisheries, and the potential for wider improvement opportunities.  The Report, authored by the FiTI National Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG), is available on the websites of the Seychelles Fishing Authority and the Ministry of Fisheries and the Blue Economy.

Cabinet was briefed by the Agency for Social Protection on trends in applications for social welfare, and on payments dispersed for the year 2023 in key specific statutory benefits.

Relevant Ministries will provide details.