State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business- Thursday, 16th May 2024

President Wavel Ramkalawan, chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 15th May in which a number of policy memoranda were approved.

Cabinet approved the Constitution (Eleventh Amendment) Bill 2024.  This amendment establishes fixed date for Presidential and National Assembly elections and certain other amendments.

Cabinet approved for Seychelles to support the International Health Regulations amendments. The International Health Regulations (IHR), initially adopted in 1969 and last revised in 2005, serve as a legal framework for international cooperation in controlling the spread of diseases without unnecessarily hindering international trade and travel. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted deficiencies in the current IHR, prompting the World Health Assembly to initiate amendments to enhance global health security.

Cabinet was briefed on the most recent negotiations regarding the Pandemic Accord proposed by member states of the World Health Organisation (WHO).  Cabinet has instructed the Seychelles delegation to the World Health Council, to be held in Geneva next week, to pursue negotiations. The Delegation will support the Accord in the event that there is nothing in the Accord that infringes on the individual rights and sovereignty of Seychelles and that the Accord is in compliance with Seychelles’ existing national laws.  If two thirds of the member states vote in favour then the Accord will be open for signature by Member states and ratification.  The National Assembly will then be called upon to debate.

Cabinet approved a proposal to streamline the licensing procedures of food vans, whose numbers are continuously on the rise. The Seychelles Licensing Authority (SLA) will be the focal point for submission and approval of license. An Open-Air Food Vending Committee will be set up under the Food Act, to vet the applications. These will allow applications to be considered in a consistent and coherent manner.

Cabinet approved the Social Affairs Strategic Plan 2023-2026.  The Social Affairs Strategic Plan 2023-2026 aims to enhance the social functioning of individuals and families through improved service delivery, professional development, and strategic objectives aligned with the Government’s Medium Term Expenditure Strategy.

Cabinet was presented with the findings from the National Sooty Tern Census (2023) following which the recommendations for improved conservation and management of the Sooty Tern or Goellette (Onychoprion fuscatus) in Seychelles were approved. This included a two-year extension on the ban of sooty tern egg collection, revision of all relevant seabird protection legislation, and improved site management on breeding islands. Additionally, an educational campaign on the importance of preserving sooty terns, the development of a national action plan involving all stakeholders, increased surveillance and enforcement during nesting seasons, and research on breeding phenology and migration patterns were also approved.

Cabinet was briefed on the competition principles in the context of an openeconomy. The aim of the Presentation made by the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) was to discuss competition policies, the benefits of fostering healthy competition, and explore government interventions to promote a competitive market environment, ultimately benefiting consumers and addressing the cost of living.