State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 22nd November 2023

President Wavel Ramkalawan, chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 22nd November in which a number of policy memoranda were approved.

Cabinet approved the recommendations of the Remunerations Committee on the fees payable to Chairpersons, Vice Chairpersons and Members Boards of Parastatal Companies and Agencies.  Increases were proposed based on the income generation level and strategic importance of the respective entities.  The last such revision was done in 2019.

Cabinet approved Regulations under the Seychelles Gambling Act to clarify the specific categories of interactive gambling for the purpose of issuing licences under the Act, as well as the applicable licence fees and conditions.  This would allow for gambling industry to remain abreast with global developments.

Cabinet approved for the setting up of a multi-stakeholder committee, including producers, to undertake a study on alcohol consumption in Seychelles.  The findings would guide further policy development on this subject.

Cabinet approved for the continuation of the fuel subsidy made available to operators of inter-island ferries.  The subsidy was introduced in 2022, and was to have ceased in October 2023.  The intention had been to reduce the costs of ferrying goods from Mahé to other islands.  It was reported that most ferry operators had not applied for the subsidy, and had not raised the prices they charged for ferrying the goods.  Government has decided to continue with the subsidy to encourage further reduction in the cost of goods in other islands.

Cabinet reviewed the existing Home-Saving Scheme under which housing loan applicants contributed a percentage of their salary to the Scheme until they had raised sufficient savings to qualify for housing assistance.  The Housing Department would urge existing applicants to remain up to date with their monthly payments so as to remain on the active list.  A deadline would be set for applicants to express their continued interest to remain on the scheme.

Cabinet also reviewed the Scheme for Special Housing which caters for applicants who already owned land but did not have the means to build a house for themselves on the land.

Cabinet approved the relocation of the Seychelles Electoral Commission to premises at Mont Fleuri which would be more spacious and suitable for the Commission’s functions.