State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 08th November 2023

President Wavel Ramkalawan, chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 8th November in which a number of legal and policy memoranda were approved.

Cabinet approved the proposed legal framework for a new Functional Capacity Assessment Board that will replace the two existing medical boards under the Social Security Act and the Pension Fund Act.

The Functional Capacity Assessment Board will review medical reports, results of specific clinical, physical, mental status or psychological tests and evidence-based expert opinions and other reviews as appropriate to determine to what extent a person referred to it, is fully able, partially able or not able to function in the context of the person's application for invalidity or disability benefits under the two aforementioned acts.  

Cabinet approved the revision of the Breast milk Substitute Regulation.  The objectives of the revision are to enforce prohibition of the marketing of breast milk substitutes; ban donation and sponsorship of breast milk substitute to Government entities; include penalties for breach of regulations.  The revised regulation will be used as a tool for ensuring safe and optimal nutrition given to babies and infants.

Cabinet approved the Seychelles Made Bill.  The Seychelles Made Bill supports the policy to secure the Seychelles Made label trademark.  The Seychelles Made trademark will support growth of the local economy and encourage locally made products, which use local content to ensure maximum value is retained in the local economy.

Cabinet approved the Construction of an International Mail and Cargo Processing Centre at the International Airport. The Centre will enable faster processing of cargo coming through the airport through clearer processing flow and visibility aligned with international standards.  The new set up will also eliminate the risk of loss and misplacement.

Cabinet approved a phased introduction of Seychelles’ Trade Remedies Legislations which will serve to protect the country from illegal dumping.  The legal trade remedies framework will allow the country to take full advantage of the available measures to protect national food security and threats to infant industries and other overriding national interests in a way that is consistent with its international trade obligations.