State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Thursday, 20th July 2023

President Wavel Ramkalawan, chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 19th July in which a number of policy memoranda were approved.

The independent Committee appointed by the President to review the salaries of Constitutional appointees presented its preliminary proposals to the Cabinet.  The Committee explained the facts, principles and context underpinning its deliberations.  For example, there were significant anomalies in the remuneration of Chief Executives in state-owned enterprises which exceeded the pay of constitutional appointees including the President.  Comparison was also made with the salaries of comparable constitutional posts in other countries.  The Committee will share its proposals with stakeholders, to solicit wider views, before making final recommendations to Government.

Cabinet approved amendments to the Central Bank Act with the aim of modernising it to reflect its enhanced mandate since the original Act of 2004.  The amendments eliminated existing ambiguities, strengthened its governance, and took account of best international practice as reflected in the SADC Central Bank Model Law, as well as the advice provided by the IMF.

Cabinet approved amendments to the Civil Code of Seychelles Act 2020 and the Curatelle Act 2021, to provide for the Curator, rather than a Court, to appoint a fiduciary or Executor of the estate of a deceased person, upon application.  Amendments to the Curatelle Act would provide a legal framework for dealing with cases where the affairs of the estate of a deceased person had not been concluded satisfactorily within the prescribed two-year period.

Cabinet approved the establishment of Family Mediation Service which would assist couples with children who are undergoing a divorce or separation process.  The mediation service would establish an advisory and consultative mechanism that would benefit all concerned, but with a primary focus on the well-being of the children involved.

Cabinet also decided that no licence should be granted to shops for the sale of alcohol in the vicinity of the SPTC bus terminal in Victoria, and that the Seychelles Licensing Authority would take steps to revoke any such licenses that had already been issued.