State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 21st June 2023

President Wavel Ramkalawan, chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 21st June in which a number of policy memoranda were approved.

Cabinet approved the Data Protection Bill, 2023. The Bill will replace the Data Protection Act 2003. The implementation and enforcement of a Data Protection Law is critical in the current digital environment and the Government’s Digital Economy Agenda.

Cabinet was briefed on the fiscal performance of the country for Quarter 1 of 2023. Cabinet reiterated the need for continued fiscal discipline in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

Cabinet approved the proposal for the Seychelles Postal Services to issue its first non-fungible token stamps in partnership with Universal Postal Union affiliated Digital Philately platform Stampdaq. This will allow the Seychelles Postal Service to diversify its income base, attain global recognition for its stamps and innovate its philately offering for the tech generation.

Cabinet approved the position of Seychelles on the different areas under negotiation for endorsement following the 11th round of negotiations in preparation for the 12th European Union – Eastern Southern African States Interim Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations.

Cabinet expressed appreciation for the gifts of two ambulances from Mr Pudjianto owner of PT Mineral Makmur Indonesia; 4 fast response boats from the Kingdom of Bahrain; and security equipment including 5 bullet proof vehicles from the UAE.