State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 31st May 2023

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 31st May in which a number of policy memoranda were approved.

Cabinet discussed the rationale for the moratorium that is currently in place on the sale of land to non-Seychellois for residential purposes.  The Cabinet advised that a policy review be undertaken before any specific applications could be considered.

Cabinet approved amendments to the thirteenth month salary legislation.  The amendments focused on conditions for payment of the thirteenth month salary.

Cabinet was briefed on the proposed transformation of the Ile Perseverance Secondary School into a National Technical and Vocational Secondary School, with effect from January 2024 subject to detailed plans being approved.

Cabinet recognized the contribution of Archbishop Emeritus French Chang-Him to Seychelles. He was described as a model who was always present in the midst of the Seychellois families.  Cabinet conveyed its condolences to the two his daughters and his extended family.  A state funeral would be held for him.