State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 31st August 2022

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet today, Wednesday 31st August at which a number of policy and legal memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved for an extension of the mandate of the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission (TRNUC).  This will allow the Commission to complete and hand in the final report of the proceedings of the Commission. The extension has been granted up to 31st December 2022.

Cabinet approved the Proceeds of Crimes (Civil Confiscation) (Amendment) Bill, 2022. The amendment will provide for the deletion of the term “police officer” to be replaced by  “an officer of a law enforcement agency” in section 2. This will allow respective case officer to further their respective cases all the way to court, which is speedier. A new definition of “law enforcement agency” aligned with the definition in the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 will also be inserted in the Bill.

Cabinet was briefed on the results of a study undertaken to assess the status of 2,235 hectares of the upland forest ecosystem in 6 areas on Mahé, Praslin and Curieuse Islands, with the focus to protect biodiversity and essential ecosystem services as well as carbon stocks. Following this, Cabinet approved for the Environment Department to start the process of consultations in order to designate Key Biodiversity Areas as Protected Areas. Stakeholder consultations and public meetings will be undertaken concerning the following areas: Montagne Planneau; Collines du Sud; Fond Azore; Anse Kerlan and Curieuse Island.

Cabinet was briefed on the BLUEINVEST Africa 2022. This is an international meeting and exchange point for investment parties, pooled across Europe and Africa, with African based entrepreneurs, small-scale businesses, start-ups, business projects, and initiatives with the common interest of developing sustainable products and services in the Blue Economy and related sectors.

Cabinet was also briefed on progress in the LEAP (Locally Empowered Area Protection) project which is being undertaken by the NGO Nature Seychelles in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment.  The project, which has international backing, aims to build local ownership of efforts to effectively conserve seascapes and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities.

Further details to the media will be provided by the relevant Ministry.