State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 01st June 2022

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet today, Wednesday 1st June at which a number of policy memoranda were considered.

On this Children’s Day, Cabinet approved thepolicy for the drafting and enactment of a Sexual Offences Bill.  In the wake of increasing reports of sexual abuse on children, the Child Law Reform Committee (CLRC) was set up in May 2020 with the clear mandate to review the existing legal framework applicable to children and to make recommendations for legal reform to enhance the legal protections afforded to children in line with Seychelles’ constitutional and international law obligations and international best practice.

In emphasising the importance of protecting our children, Cabinet requested that wide consultations be undertaken on the draft Bill including consultations with children themselves.

Cabinet approved amendments to the Penal Code to introduce hate crime legislation in the Penal Code.  A crime is considered a hate crime when the perpetrator’s motivation for committing the crime is a result of prejudice against the victim’s membership or presumed membership of an identity group.

Cabinet pointed out that hate crime is morally wrong and harmful, and must be dealt with under criminal law.  Further public consultations will be held on the proposal.

Further details to the media will be provided by the relevant Ministry.