State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 6th April 2022

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 6th April at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved for the SPF pension contribution rate to be increased as follows:

(a)   For employees, the increase in contribution rate will be from 3% to 4% effective from 1st April 2022, and contribution rate will further increase to 5% from the 1st January 2023.

(b)   For employers, the increase in contribution rate will be from 3% to 5% effective 1st April 2022 only.

(c)   Pension contribution for self-employed will increase from 6% to 9% effective from 1st April 2022, and will increase to 10% from the 1st January, 2023.

These changes will be reflected in the amendment of the Seychelles Pension Fund (Membership and Contributions) Regulations.

Cabinet advised that the Seychelles Pension Fund explore additional strategies to continue increasing contributions into the Fund to ensure long term sustainability of the Pension Fund.

Cabinet agreed that the Seychelles Pension Fund would establish a mechanism for Seychellois living overseas, who are not presently members of the Fund, to be able to contribute to the Pension Fund.

The proposal by Cabinet to lower the maximum SPF pension amount will be considered during the 2022 Actuarial Valuation exercise.

Cabinet also maintained its position to raise the retirement age for SPF pension purposes from 60 to 65 years from 1st January 2023, whilst also introducing an early retirement mechanism for retirees in the age bracket of 60 to 64 years.

Cabinet approved the National Health Strategic Plan for 2022 to 2026.  The Strategic Plan is designed on the national vision for health which is the “attainment, by all people living in Seychelles, of the highest level of physical, social, mental and spiritual health and living in harmony with nature”.  Cabinet endorsed the need for investment in disease prevention in order to improve the health of the nation.  

Cabinet considered the proposal for engagement with the public and stakeholders in the exercise being conducted by the Office of the Attorney General for the review of the Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles.  Cabinet reiterated that the exercise should be people centered and not parliamentary focused.  As part of the exercise the Attorney General will publish proposals for the Constitutional amendments in newspapers and invite submissions from the public for their consideration.  Engagements with the diaspora, the media and other legal stakeholders will also be undertaken.

As part of the exercise to review the Constitution, Cabinet approved proposal for the amendment of Chapter II on Citizenship of the Constitution. The Office of the Attorney General will now engage with the public and stakeholders on the proposals.

Cabinet approved the Change of Title of Director General of Immigration Notice, 2022.  Following this approval all references in the laws of Seychelles to “Director General of Immigration” will be changed to “Chief Immigration Officer”.

Cabinet approved the Law Commission Bill, 2022.  The Bill will establish the Seychelles Law Commission that will start to operate in January 2023.  The main tasks of the Commission will be law reform, law revision and legislative scrutiny. The Commission will also create a formal structure for the compilation of the judgments of the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Seychelles and their reporting and publication.

Further details to the media will be provided by the relevant Ministry.