State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Friday 17th December 2021

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet today, Friday 17th December, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved for the drafting of the Data Protection Bill. The aim of the Bill is to protect the personal data being collected by different organisations and provide a process for safeguarding people’s personal data from any eventuality such as corruption, compromise and loss.  

Cabinet approved proposals to amend the Schedules of the Business Tax Act to allow for the implementation of a comprehensive set of business tax reforms.

Cabinet also approved proposals to amend the Immovable Property Tax Act to bring more clarity to the categories of immoveable properties that should be subject to the Immoveable Property Tax. Cabinet also approved the rate that will be used to calculate the property tax for properties purchased in foreign currency.

Cabinet approved proposed policy changes in relation to the tax treatment of compensation and overtime payments within the Seychelles International Trade Zone (SITZ). Consequentially, Cabinet approved proposals to amend the Income and Non-Monetary Benefits Tax Act and the International Trade Zone (Employment) Regulations.

Cabinet approved for Government to support the Seychelles Football Federation in its bid to host the FIFA 2023 Beach Soccer World Cup in Seychelles. 

Cabinet approved the Ministry of Education’s proposal to close the Anse-Louis Crèche and for the conversion of the existing facility into an Alternative Education Programme (AEP) Centre for at-risk pupils.

Cabinet approved for the development of a National Academic School of Excellence which will cater for high achievers at Secondary Level.

In view of the country's continuing efforts to rebuild the Seychelles economy, already badly hit by the COVDI-19 pandemic — which is still threatening to aggravate worldwide — and bearing in mind the limits on government expenditure under the IMF Programme of assistance to Seychelles, Cabinet decided that State-Owned Enterprises should not pay bonuses or performance incentives to staff in 2021. The principle had already been adopted for all Government workers, and it was felt that it would be most unfair to treat staff of SOE's differently, as Government was the also the shareholder of these enterprises. 

Cabinet confirmed that work was being undertaken on the review of the 13th month pay and remuneration schemes in the public sector which will include bonuses and incentives with the aim of developing a clear policy for Government for the year 2022.

Cabinet recognized that everybody had worked hard in 2021, but reiterated that in these uncertain times for the country and in the spirit of fairness everybody must make sacrifices and show solidarity. 

Cabinet was briefed on the trends of welfare assistance provided to applicants during the year 2019, 2020 and up to September 2021. 

Further details to the media will be provided by the relevant Ministry.