State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 18th August 2021

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 18th August, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved National Strategic Planning (NSP) Policy and corresponding Guidelines.  National strategic planning in government will follow a portfolio planning approach which will ensure strong leadership and monitoring of planning and implementation of strategic plans.

Cabinet approved the implementation of the Results Based Management (RBM) approach across government. Results-based management is an integrated approach to link performance measurement to the planning and budget processes. It comprises of four pillars namely: Strategic planning; Program-Performance Based Budgeting; Performance Monitoring and Evaluation; and Performance Management System.  The policy provides a standardised framework for assessing the performance of Ministries and Departments.  Seychelles has been implementing the RBM in a phased approach.

Cabinet approved recommendations made of the requirements to develop the digital economy for Seychelles. Digital improvements and innovation will ensure economic diversification and increase productivity. The digital economy also plays a central role in the Results-Based Management (RBM) Project in facilitating the four key pillars of RBM. As part of the drive for growth of the digital economy, Cabinet emphasised the need to reduce the cost of internet use, and called on local internet service providers to join in the effort and reduce their charges to customers by 10%.

Cabinet also approved the position of Seychelles on the recommendations made during the peer review on the human rights report of Seychelles.  The final report will be submitted to the United National Human Rights Council for publication. 

Cabinet was briefed on the incursion of the Tomato Leaf Miner in Seychelles, and the mitigation measures in place.


Further details to the media will be provided by the relevant Ministry.