State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 16th June 2021

President Wavel Ramkalawan today, Wednesday 16th June, chaired a virtual meeting of the Cabinet at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved amendments to the Employment Act to allow for the manner in which Payment of Death Benefits of Workers will be made. Under this amendment workers,both in-service and pre-service, will be allowed to make a testamentary declaration appointing a legal representative to whom all benefits would be disbursed in case of death.

Cabinet had extensive discussions on the proposal to introduce the flexible working arrangements as a new mode of work in government. The concept was very well received as a framework to address several pertinent issues including traffic management, business continuity in times of pandemic and ensuring greater work life balance for families.  Cabinet requested that further consultations be undertaken prior to Cabinet approval.

Cabinet was briefed on the ongoing development of legislation to set up the Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts. This Institute will have clear mandate to safeguard and develop all aspects of the Seychellois Creole Culture and Heritage.

The Respective Ministries and Departments will provide further information to the media.