State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - 20th November 2020

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet today, Friday 20th November 2020 at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved a proposal for 15 public health officers to follow a Bachelor in Environmental Health Science with the University of Seychelles and the University of Mauritius.   

Cabinet approved amendments to the National Youth Council Act, 1997 as amended by Act 34 of 2013.  The amendments include a review of the functions of the Council and the manner in which the Board is to be constituted. The President will henceforth, on the recommendation of the Minister appoint six members of the Council.  The seventh member of the Council will be elected by the youth.

Cabinet approved amendments to Sections 29A and 41 of the Central Bank of Seychelles Act 2004.

Cabinet also approved amendments to the Foreign Exchange Act 2009.

Cabinet approved amendments to the Financial Institutions (Capital Adequacy) Regulations, 2010.

Cabinet gave approval to gazette the Business Tax amendments which sets out the changes that are proposed to deliver a regime that will not be considered harmful by the European Union’s Code of Conduct Group on Business Taxation.

Cabinet approved a suspension of the 13th month salary provision.  The suspension will apply to both the public and private sector.  Private sector employers who would like to pay a 13th month salary or bonus to their employees will be able to do so. 

Cabinet approved for a national consultation to be undertaken on the proposal to reform the Business Tax regime.  The proposal has been developed following an OECD led review of the Seychelles Business tax system.

Cabinet approved the Immovable Property Tax (Interim Measures) Bill, 2020.

Cabinet was briefed on the national framework for addressing the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Cabinet was updated on the international and local situation of the pandemic.  Discussions on pertinent COVID-19 related issues such as the regulation for the advanced passenger information for airlines, the quarantine facilities, the vaccines and the need to reinforce national public health measures were also undertaken.