State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 18th September 2019

President Danny Faure chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday 18th September, at which a number of policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved for the accession of Seychelles to the Harmonised System Convention which established the Harmonised System nomenclature for the classification of goods.  Accession to the Harmonised System Convention will allow Seychelles to benefit from technical assistance and membership on the Harmonised System Committee. 

Cabinet also approved for the removal of excise tax on cabins for trucks under heading 87.03 of the Harmonised System.  

Cabinet approved for Seychelles to become a member of the African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO) through accession to the Harare Protocol.

Cabinet approved for the provision of an exempt order for registered fishermen and farmers not to pay business tax.  This approval will serve to maintain the current practice where individuals who are farmers or fishermen do not pay tax.

Cabinet also undertook discussions on the 2019 mid-year budget review as well as further proposals for the 2020 budget.