State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 12th June 2019

Vice-President Vincent Meriton chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday 12th June, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved for the domestication of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code into Seychelles law.  The Code provides a standardized and consistent framework for managing risk and permits exchange and evaluation of information between contracting governments, companies, port facilities and ships.

Cabinet also approved changes to the Nature Reserve and Conservancy Bill.  These amendments came as a result of the White paper stage of public and stakeholder consultations.

Cabinet approved the National Council for Persons Living with Disabilities 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.  The mission of the plan through its various interventions is to uplift the quality of life of persons with disabilities based on the principle of equal opportunities.

Cabinet gave its approval for Seychelles to host two conferences in July year.  The first conference to be hosted by the Culture Department is the Pan African Society for Musical Arts Education.  The second conference is the Primary Health Care Conference which is aimed at reviewing the primary health care in Seychelles and exploring ways in which the primary health care model could be improved.

Cabinet approved the new policy to provide incentives to graduates from the Seychelles Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture. The aim of the policy is to provide an avenue for graduates of SIAH to access state land for agricultural development.