State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Thusday 16 May 2019

President Danny Faure chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday 15th May, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved amendments to the SI 34 of 1991 Employment (Conditions of Employment) Regulations. The amendments came as a result of the President’s Labour Day announcement of a reduction in the duration of sick leave.

Cabinet also approved the draft Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2019 and amendments to the  Licenses (Liquor and Outdoor Entertainment) Regulations, 2019. These legislations form part of measures to control the distribution and consumption of alcohol in the country.

Cabinet was briefed on the results of the Regional Poverty Profiling Survey which was a targeted survey undertaken to gather data on the people considered to be living below the poverty line.

Cabinet was also briefed on the results of a national pilot survey of the Multi-dimensional Poverty Index. Cabinet was briefed by the Chairman and CEO of the Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation on the Corporation's development strategy for the next three years.

Cabinet was also briefed on a national survey being undertaken by the Ministry of Health with the support of WHO to monitor compliance with the National Smoke free Laws and Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship bans in Seychelles.

Cabinet gave its approval for Seychelles to host two tourism related meetings in Seychelles in 2020 namely, the 63rd Commission of Africa Meeting and the Cruise Tourism Conference.