State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 20th March 2019

Vice President Vincent Meriton chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday 20th March, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved Process of implementation of the Prescription Fee Policy.  The Policy will now be implemented on 1st June 2019 to allow for all necessary actions to be undertaken prior to implementation.

Cabinet gave approval the statue of Former President of Seychelles, Sir James Mancham and that of Former President of South Africa, Mr Nelson Mandela to be unveiled in the Peace Park in the month of June and July respectively.  The two former Presidents are considered to have had an important impact on Seychellois identity and culture and that of the world.

Cabinet approved for the domestication of the binding legal instruments under the Treaty concerning the Joint Management of the Continental Shelf in the Mascarene Plateau.

Cabinet also approved regulations to be made in accordance with section 76 and section 165 of the Civil Status Act 2018.  The new regulations will establish the prescribed fees to be paid by parties for celebrating a marriage; the mode of conveyance to be provided to the officer celebrating the marriage out of office; and the allowances payable to the celebrant working outside office hours.

Cabinet approved changes to the Customs Management (Prohibited and Restricted Goods) Regulations in respect of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC); and refrigerated and HFC dependent equipment. As a result of the amendments, HFC will be removed from the Prohibited List and be placed on the Restricted list.  HFC refrigerated and HFC dependent equipment will be placed onto the Restricted list.

Cabinet approved for the hosting of two international meetings in Seychelles.  The Seychelles will host the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Regional Meeting on Employment in May 2019 and the Commission de la Jeunesse et des Sports de LÓcean Indien’s (CJSOI) Ministerial Meeting in April.