State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 10th October 2018

President Danny Faure chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet on wednesday morning, 10th October, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved the Project Scaling up Seychelles Readiness of Multihazard Events which describes the need for the country to be in a state of readiness to face multi environmental and technological hazards.

Cabinet approved the Part Rental Assistance Policy which will guide the provision of Government assistance to housing applicants who are renting a house on the private market.

Cabinet approved the Policy for allocation of the newly built temporary housing units at Barbarons and Grand Anse, the different categories of applicants who can benefit from such temporary relief and the procedures for allocation of those units.

Cabinet also approved the proposed Policy for allocation of units sold under the Condominium and Self-finance Schemes.

Cabinet approved the Policy for house construction assistance to be provided by Government for construction of houses on private properties.

Cabinet endorsed the revision of the Seychelles Fishing Authority Establishment Act to cater for the transition of SFA from being a government budget dependent organisation to a financially autonomous organisation by January 2019. The new Authority will be named the Seychelles Fisheries Authority to reflect more accurately the mandate of the Authority.

Cabinet also endorsed the Signing of the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment which is a requirement to become a participant of the New Plastics Economy Initiative.

Cabinet approved the Policy Framework for awarding licenses and monitoring of services in relation to privately ran residential care homes and day centres for the disabled and the elderly.

Cabinet also approved the Revised Seed Capital Grant Scheme. The aim of the scheme is to provide a clearer framework for the processing and management of the seed capital.

Cabinet approved the Land Allocation Policy to cover the allocation of land in the Industrial Estates and in other industrial areas in the districts. The assessment of applications for  allocation of land will be done through a Point System.

Cabinet also approved the Public record management policy guidelines.  The policy provides for the setting of standards for the management of public records.