State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 26th September 2018

Vice President Vincent Meriton chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet on wednesday morning, 26th September, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved follow up actions arising from the Seychelles-Mauritius Joint Commision of the Extended Continental Shelf held on 24th August in Mauritius.

Cabinet approved the Communication Tower and Antenna Policy.  The aim of the new policy is to update the 1999 policy to align it with new developments in the sector.

Cabinet approved the policy proposal on Grade Repetition for primary and secondary school.  The policy is aimed at giving clear guidance on instances where students may repeat grades.

Cabinet also endorsed proposal for school leaders in the public schools to undertake a Masters in Educational Leadership Training.

Cabinet approved renovation plans for the Creole Institute.

Cabinet also approved for the hosting of a UNESCO capacity building workshop to combat Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Objects.  The workshop will take place in 2019.

Cabinet also endorsed the Workplace Wellbeing Programme developed by the Ministry of Health to be offered to employee organisations.

Cabinet approved amendments to the Employment Regulations in respect of Stevedores’ conditions of Employment.

Cabinet approved policy for the provision of social assistance in kind through the Seychelles Trading Company.

Cabinet endorsed policy on the allocation of vehicles to Seychelles’ Heads of Missions abroad.