State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business – Thursday 21 June, 2018

President Danny Faure chaired the fourth ordinary meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday 20th June, at which a number of legal and policy and project memoranda were considered.

Cabinet considered the report of the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Committee of the National Assembly. Cabinet advised that legislation proposed in the Report for the setting up of a Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission be gazetted so that the it could be debated by the National Assembly as whole.

Cabinet approved the final draft of the Control of Dogs Bill following feedback received from the public.  The legislation aims to ensure the control and protection of dogs in the country.

Cabinet approved amendments to the Income and Non-Monetary Benefits Tax Act,99 to include, in the list of exempt emoluments, the compensation paid to an employee who resigns and to consider exemption on compensation in all cases of termination of employment other than dismissal.

Cabinet considered and approved the final Business Tax (Amendment) Bill relating to the domestic reforms as well as all BEPS related amendments in the Offshore sector.

Cabinet also approved the proposed plan of action to be taken by Government for the future development of La Digue.

Cabinet considered and approved the plan for the future economic development of Coëtivy Island in such sectors as Agriculture, Tourism, Environment and Fisheries.

Cabinet considered and approved the Infrastructure Project for the construction of a Dam in the district of Grand Anse Mahé, the Tunnel between Cascade and Grand Anse Mahé, and the reclamation of 5 areas around Mahé and Praslin.

The Infrastructure Project for the construction of a new LNG Power Plant which generates electricity through the combustion of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) was also approved.

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**The Cabinet Press Briefing video for 21st June 2018 to be available soon via the Channel.