State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business - Wednesday 09th May 2018

President Danny Faure chaired the first meeting of the new Cabinet after reshuffling on Wednesday morning, 9th May, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved proposal for a new legislation that will give better employment protection for domestic workers.

Cabinet also approved new regulations to transfer the concessions on imports of commercial motor vehicles provided to fisheries and agriculture from the Custom Duty Act to the Excise Tax Act.

Cabinet considered and approved the position that Seychelles will take in the next Indian Ocean Tuna Commission session where 14 proposals will be tabled for adoption by its members. Those proposals are meant to improve the management and trade of  fish among members.

Cabinet also approved the first National policy on Ageing and the National Plan of Action for Families.

Cabinet endorsed policies that will support the development of legislation to ensure prompt payment for services provided by businesses.

Cabinet gave approval to the Government Public Relations Policy.