State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business – Thursday 2nd November, 2017

Vice President Vincent Meriton chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet this morning at State House, which discussed a number of legal, policy and project memoranda.

Cabinet approved for the Road Transport Commission to be the designated authority to appoint the competent authorities and the type of approved devices used for measuring the speeds of vehicles, and for breathalysing of drivers.

Cabinet endorsed the Seychelles National Parks Authority Strategic Plan 2017-21.

Cabinet also approved Phases 1 and 2 of the Victoria Waterfront master plan. The design and land use of the plan is in accordance with the Victoria Master plan 2040.  Implementation of Phase One will start in 2018.

Cabinet approved for the completion of new reclamation work at Providence in order to further develop microenterprise infrastructure.  Additional space would become available to small entrepreneurs in ventures such as mechanical garages, panel beating, fiberglass and other marine repair activities.

Cabinet also approved Phase One and Two of the co-management plan for the Mahé Plateau demersal trap and line fishery.

Cabinet approved for the creation of a technical working Group which would thoroughly assess the merits and operating conditions of dry-dock infrastructure and facilities in Seychelles.

Cabinet approved a policy for providing government assistance to victims of fire disasters to reconstruct their houses.  A housing finance subsidy scheme that would cover such assistance was also approved.

Cabinet considered and approved for the designation two new marine protected areas. One area is to protect high biodiversity around the Aldabra Group.  The second is to protect medium biodiversity in, and allow for sustainable use of, an the area located between Amirantes and the Fortune Bank.

Cabinet approved recommendations for amendments to the Physical Planning Bill 2017 following feedback from the public consultation process.

Cabinet also approved for the repeal of the Hijacking Act 1971, and its replacement by a new Anti‑Hijacking Act 2017.

Cabinet approved the Enterprise Seychelles Agency Bill, 2017.  This Bill would allow for the creation of the Agency that would implement government policies with regards to entrepreneurship development, business innovation and development of a competitive industrial base for Seychelles.