State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

Cabinet Business – Wednesday 28th June, 2017

President Danny Faure chaired a meeting of the Cabinet this morning at State House, which discussed a number of policy and project memoranda.

Cabinet approved proposals for a new Immigration Act which will replace the Immigration Decree.  The Citizenship Act, 1994 will also be consequently amended.  The Bill will be published a White Paper for public consultation.

Cabinet approved proposed amendments to the public persons Declaration of Assets, Liabilities and Business Interest Act, 2016 to amend the qualifications required to qualify for the post of Commissioner.  This will allow for the implementation of Government's policy on the open declaration of assets by Cabinet Members and elected officials.

Cabinet endorsed regulations aimed at prohibiting the importation and use of plastic bags, plastic utensils and polystyrene boxes in view of their negative impact on the environment and ecosystems.  These measures which had been announced earlier, will become effective from 1st July 2017.

Cabinet approved regulations to allow the Minister for Environment in consultation with the Attorney General’s Office to impose fines on offenders in cases of environmental pollution.

Cabinet also approved Seychelles position in relation to the joint management of the area of the Extended Continental Shelf in the region of the Mascarene Plateau, which is jointly managed by Seychelles and Mauritius, and which will be the subject of forthcoming negotiations in August.

The Cabinet approved for the launching of a new Youth Animateurs Scheme that will provide a more structured approach to the delivery of youth programmes and services.

Cabinet considered various proposals for ensuring adequate power supply for the developing needs of Praslin.

Cabinet considered and approved for a policy framework to be developed concerning erecting monuments in Seychelles.

Cabinet approved for the implementation of a programme to improve energy efficiency in the public sector. The programme which will involve education and training of employees will also audit infrastructure and services and implement energy efficient measures.

Cabinet approved procedures to be followed by agents and individuals in respect of foreign artists performing in Seychelles.

Cabinet approved for the setting up of a National Hydrographic Committee that would advise and inform Government on all matters concerning hydrography.  The Committee will also appoint and guide the technical committee to execute hydrographical surveys and nautical charts.

Cabinet approved for the establishment of the National Intellectual Property Committee.  The Committee will serve as a coordinating body for consultations with stakeholders on matters of intellectual property for decision making at national level.