State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


Cabinet Business - Wednesday 01st December 2021

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet today, Wednesday 1st December, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved changes in policies, product classification and allocation strategies in the land and housing policies. The aim of the changes is to align the policies with the realities of the day and the principles of the current Administration. Cabinet emphasized the need for fairness in the allocation of land and housing.

Cabinet approved for the signing of the Stadium Use and Astroturf Agreement between the Republic of Seychelles, the National Sports Council and the Seychelles Football Federation. The Stadium Use Agreement is part of the global objectives of the Club Licensing Procedure defined by Fédération Internationale de Football (FIFA) and all Confederation of African Football (CAF) Member Associations must respect its implementation. The Agreement will allow the Seychelles Football Federation to access funding from FIFA for further development of football in Seychelles.

Cabinet approved amendments to Statutory Instrument (SI) 148 concerning Seychelles Investment (Economic Activities) Regulations.  SI 148 aims to improve the ease of doing business and correct the deficiencies of the previous regulation - SI 71. It also proposes a few amendments to the previous SI 148 which was annulled by the National Assembly in 2020. The approved amendments take into consideration the most recent input of stakeholders consulted in the process.    

Cabinet also approved for re-alignment of the International Trade Zone Employment (Coronavirus Special Leave) (Temporary Measures) Order, 2020 to place a halt to the Order as has been done under the Employment (Coronavirus Special Leave) (Temporary Measures) Regulations, 2020.

Further details to the media will be provided by the relevant Ministry.