State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


Cabinet Business- Wednesday, 10th November 2021

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet today, Wednesday 10th November, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet discussed proposals for the revision of GOP fees for expatriates at managerial and executive level.  Cabinet emphasized the need to create the right environment for qualified Seychellois workers to be employed in managerial and executive positions in the private sector.  Further consultations will be done and a revision in GOP fees will be implemented in Quarter 2 of 2022.

Cabinet was briefed on the Central Bank’s plan to set up a Disaster Recovery (DR) site as part of its Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) Framework. The Disaster Recovery (DR) site will ensure that the financial services sector can continue critical business functions following a disaster.

Cabinet approved the setting up of a Single National Functional Assessment Board in order tostreamline the assessment procedures for eligibility of invalidity and disability benefits.  A holistic approach to assessing requests for invalidity and disability benefits will be used.  The new framework will emphasise access to support and fairness for citizens with special needs.

Cabinet discussed a review of the Seychelles Pension Fund Act and the Social Security Act.  Approval was conveyed to amend the Social Security Act (benefits Regulations) 2010 to increase the retirement age from 63 to 65years as from 1st January 2023.  Approval was also given to amend the retirement pension age to 65 years old on 1st January 2023 and for an early retirement pension mechanism to be established from the age of 60 years old which will take effect from 1st January 2023 as part of the comprehensive review of the SPF Act. 

Further details to the media will be provided by the relevant Ministry.