State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


Cabinet Business - Friday 05th November 2021

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet today, Friday 5th November, at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.

Cabinet approved for the drafting of the Civil Aviation (Hijacking and Other Offences) Bill, 2021.The Bill will ensure Seychelles compliance with ICAO standards and make it an offence for a person to commit the act of hijacking of an aircraft within Seychelles.  The Bill will also ensure the domestication of the Tokyo Convention, Hague Convention, Montreal Convention and Protocol and the Beijing Convention and Protocol which highlight the strength and scope of the political will which exists today in support of more robust, comprehensive and collaborative aviation security and legal frameworks.

Cabinet also approved for the drafting of the new Civil Aviation (Investigation of Aircraft Accident and Incident) Regulations, 2021.  The aim of the new regulations will be to fully discharge and effectively implement the obligations under the Chicago Convention for the Investigation of Aircraft Accident and Incidents.

Cabinet approved for the relocation of the street vendors in Victoria to safer and more conducive areas.

Cabinet approved for the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health Seychelles and the Kingdom of Morocco to allow for better cooperation in the health sector between the two countries.

Cabinet approved the framework for the National Technical School and the revised timeframe for its implementation.  As well as increasing the pool of qualified workforce, the school will complement and provide an opportunity for the Professional Centres to broaden and raise the level of the programmes they offer.  The National Technical School will enroll all S4 and S5 students following the General Secondary Education and Skills Development pathway.  The Study programmes will be at the certificate level of the National Qualification Framework.

Cabinet was briefed on the results of the audit review of the school meal provision and approved proposals for improving the provision of school meals. Cabinet emphasized the need to improve the quality of school meals at a reasonable cost for the wellbeing of the students. Cabinet called on increased participation in the provision of school meals and consultations with students and parents in the process.

Further details to the media will be provided by the relevant Ministry.