State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


President Ramkalawan officially launched the Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts

The President of the Republic, Mr Wavel Ramkalawan was the guest of honour at the official launching of the Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts (SNICHA), held at the Pomme Cannelle restaurant, Domaine Val des Pres at Au Cap, yesterday. 

The ceremony was highlighted with the assent of the Bill for the creation of the Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts by the President. The Bill was passed by the National Assembly on Wednesday 20th October 2021. Another key moment was the launching itself of the Institute by President Ramkalawan and the Mayor of Victoria Mr David Andre who is also the Secretary General for Culture.

“It was one of the first decision that the government made when I took the Presidency; that Culture should be an Institution on its own. My wish is that we safeguard our culture and further develop it. We have artists that have extraordinary talents, let us encourage them and we want to see the tourists appreciating what we have to offer. But first, we as Seychellois we need to value our own culture, and where we come from. Let this unite us as a country,” said the President.

In his opening address, Mayor Andre underlined that the assented to the creation of this Institution, marks a new era in the governance and management of the culture sector in our country. Furthermore, highlighted the importance for safeguarding our culture that may also guide Ministries, Department and Agency, non-government organisations, the community and citizens. In addition, to give everyone the opportunity to participate in the cultural life of the country.

“The event today, is a historic turning point symbolizing a commitment to Act 39 of the Seychelles Charter of fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Seychelles which states “the state undertakes to take reasonable steps to ensure the preservation of the cultural heritage and values of the Seychellois people”. The Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts, is a departure from the current administrative framework of a Ministry of Culture with the ultimate aim of acting as guardians of our heritage,” said Mayor Andre.

He noted that the setting up of this Institute will bring more dynamism to the cultural sector. Furthermore, create an environment where artists can develop their talents in arts, for the young artists to discover and participate in the cultural development and for all Seychellois to make the most of it.

“In this ever-changing political landscape, a permanent and independent institution is the best choice for safeguarding our cultural identity. This new set up for the governance and administrative framework of culture recognizes that Culture is the business of everyone. Everyone must be equipped with the tools to safeguard the Seychellois creole culture.  It emphasises the collective responsibility to protect and safeguard our cultural heritage in order to ensure that future generations can enjoy, benefit and learn from the legacy of the past,” he said.

The Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts will have a Secretary General. It is a self-governing and independent body. The establishment of this Institute will be an institution of policy making on culture, heritage and the arts for the Seychelles. The Institute shall also discharge the executive and administrative functions of Government by administering all existing laws relating to culture, heritage and the arts. The Institute will thus, replace the department of Culture. It has the responsibility for culture, heritage and the arts for the preservation, protection, promotion and appreciation of the Seychellois cultural heritage.

During the ceremony there was also the launching of the Institute logo and motto. Followed by various animation by artists, poet and live band “Lansiv” as the country's week long activities to celebrate the Creole Festival.

Also present at the auspicious event was the First Lady Mrs Linda Ramkalawan, Vice- President Ahmed Afif, Designated Minister, Mr Jean-François Ferrari, Ministers, members of the National Assembly, PS’s and CEO’s, diplomatic corps among other distinguished guests.