State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


Establishment of the Land Lease Transaction Commission

Following the commitment made in his address to the National Assembly on 25th July, 2017, President Danny Faure has announced the establishment of the Commission which will make recommendations to Government on the transfer or sale of land leases.  The National Assembly had also approved a resolution on 28th June 2017 calling on Government to set up such a Commission.

The Commission will have two co-Chairpersons, these being the Leader of the Opposition, Hon Wavel Ramkalawan, and the Leader of Government Business, Hon Charles de Commarmond.

The other Members of the Commission will be:

Mrs Marie-Pierre Lloyd – representing Civil Society;

Mr Oliver Bastienne – representing the private sector;

Mr Gerard Hoareau – representing the Ministry of Habitat, Infrastructure & Land Transport;

Mr Roger Toussaint – representing the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship Development & Business Innovation; and

Mrs Linetta Estico – representing the Ministry of Fisheries & Agriculture.

The appointments to the Commission take effect on 1st August 2017.