State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


Message of the President on the Occasion of Labour Day 1 May 2017

Message from President Danny Faure

on the occasion of Labour Day, 1 May 2017

"Annou Travay Pour En Sel Sesel"

Seychelles’ robust economic growth and classification as a high-income country is a testament to the hard work and resilience of the Seychellois people. On 1 May every year, we join the international community to recognise the incredible achievements of workers and commemorate Labour Day. Today we celebrate their sacrifice, determination and perseverance. It is a day for festivity, as well as reflection on the importance of work for personal development and dignity, and socio-economic development.

The theme for Labour Day this year is “Annou travay pour en sel Sesel”, and is very much in line with our National Theme, “Seselwa; en sel desten.” It allows us to consider our many achievements so far, and focus on the future and the opportunities that lie ahead if we continue to work together. Our country has achieved a lot. The key to the progress and transformation of Seychelles lies in the unity and determination of our workers. Our theme this year gives us the vision of a better Seychelles; a more prosperous Seychelles for all of us and the generations to come.

My priority since taking office has always been the well-being of the Seychellois people. We have introduced progressive employment policies and laws to safeguard workers’ rights, to improve working conditions, and to empower them to be more active and productive. The Government will continue to ensure that employment regulations and legislation protect workers’ rights. In partnership with all stakeholders, we will strive to improve the working conditions and empower our workers to increase their productivity levels across all sectors for the benefit of the country.

On this occasion, I appeal to all workers to renew our sense of dedication and professionalism in the service of others and to our Nation. Though there is more to be done until all our men and women have the rights and respect to thrive in their workplaces, let us recommit to standing together and resolving to create change. If we do, I am confident we can reach new heights for ourselves, for our children, and for generations to come. I congratulate all our workers for their hard work to support their families, neighbours, employers, and the country. On this Labour Day, I pray that we continue to march forward as a united workforce to take our Seychelles to greater heights. Annou travay pour en sel Sesel.