State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


Cabinet Business – Friday 7th April 2017

President Danny Faure chaired a meeting of the Cabinet which discussed a number of policy and project memoranda this morning.

Cabinet approved the addition of several goods to the VAT Exemption List as per ongoing efforts of the Government to lower the cost of living. The items to be exempted from VAT include liquid milk, tea and coffee, cereals, cheese, soup, sauces, healthy cooking oils, washing powder, and household detergent. This will come into effect from 15 April.

Cabinet was briefed on the challenges and needs of the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA), including requirements in terms of land, human, and financial resources to continue enriching the fisheries sector in Seychelles.

Cabinet endorsed the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) following a presentation made by Professor Dr Peter Eigen, Founder and Chair of the Advisory Council of Transparency International. FiTI aims to enhance responsible and sustainable fisheries through transparency and participation.

Cabinet approved the implementation of the Seychelles Policy and Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2016 – 2025. This policy is in line with the 2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development that recognises the key role of science, technology, and innovation in attaining the targets of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These policy initiatives will improve the quality of life of citizens and communities, and increase the ease and efficiency of doing business.

Cabinet approved the policy framework that will guide the formulation of a new Bill for former Presidents’ pension and other benefits, in line with international best practice. This will be submitted to the National Assembly next month.

The report of the committee set up to consider and recommend to the President actions to honour the late President James Mancham and promote national unity and reconciliation was approved by Cabinet. This report will be released by State House next week.

The Fiscal Report for 2016 was also approved and will be submitted to the National Assembly by the Minister for Finance.